Hurray! As promised, work in the L Lake wetland in Port Franks – once a well established large wall of impenetrable Phragmites – continued today and so much more of it is GONE! This is part of a two year project undertaken by Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group, Nature Conservancy of Canada / Conservation de la nature Canada , Ausable Bayfield Conservation and the Municipality of Lambton Shores. The Phrag was treated in the fall. To improve habitat regeneration and increase the effectiveness of any required follow-up treatments in fall 2023, it is important to cut and roll the dead stems. The crew from Nature Conservancy accomplished a lot more today and also worked across from the marina in Port Franks. We are so very proud and thrilled to see the restoration of this Area of Natural and Scientific Interest which supports a very diverse array of plants and animals, including Species At Risk. Stay tuned for more exciting developments! Nature Conservancy of Canada / Conservation de la nature Canada Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority Municipality of Lambton Shores