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Our latest information pamphlet

Invasive Phragmites seedling identification

Spading method for Phragmites removal

Cutting to drown removal method

Best Management Practices

Control in Agricultural and rural areas – an informative fact sheet

Please note that since the creation of this fact sheet Habitat Aqua is now permitted for use over water in Ontario.

Wood Drive Coastal Wetland Assessment Report

Taking on the mighty Phragmites australis

Here’s an interesting and engaging article by Mary Baxter, editor of and field editor of Better Farming magazine.

The Phragmites Management Plan for the Municipality of Lambton Shores

Prepared by Dr. Janice Gilbert , April 2023.

Informative door hanger:

Information about Habitat Aqua, now permitted for control of Phragmites over water in Ontario:

Why are monoculture stands of Phragmites harmful to biodiversity?

Wetlands are critically important and here’s why:

Helpful Links: