The Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group has been awarded a
2-year grant totalling $48,520 by Environment and Climate Change Canada through its Habitat Stewardship Program 2021-22 for habitat remediation in the Wood Drive Coastal Wetland in Lambton Shores. Invasive Phragmites has been described as Canada’s worst invasive species. Phragmites infestation causes a decrease in
biodiversity by forming monoculture stands that crowd out native vegetation and wildlife and result in a decrease in available natural habitat and food supply for many native wildlife species, which include Species at Risk.
There are a multitude of environmental benefits that come from removing Phragmites from the wetland such as re-establishing greater diversity of native plant and wildlife species and improving water quality, as well as improving fishing, boating, birding and swimming. Nancy Vidler, Chair of the group said, “We are very pleased
that Environment and Climate Change Canada continues to support our habitat remediation efforts at one of Lambton County’s ecological gems though their sizeable financial contribution.”
Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group is a not-for-profit, all volunteer-based organization which, along with numerous like-minded partners, has undertaken several wetland enhancement projects, organized educational workshops, engaged in numerous outreach events and successfully obtained funding from government and private entities. It has a proven track record for facilitating and managing Phragmites control efforts in an effective, efficient and environmentally responsible manner to enhance Lake Huron coastal wetlands.
For more information, contact Janice Cuckovic at [email protected]