Case study submitted for our largest project – Lambton Shores Wetland Enhancement Project (‘Wood Drive’)

By far our largest project to date, this coastal wetland is located along the Lake Huron shoreline within the Municipality of Lambton Shores and covers ~59 ha (146 ac). The wetland complex has Provincially Significant and Globally Rare designations and includes the only meadowmarsh community on Lake Huron within the Carolinian Zone. The meadow marsh, emergent marsh and shallow open water communities throughout this wetland provide critical habitat for a number of species at risk including turtles, snakes, birds and plants. Working with our partners over many years and tackling areas as appropriate tools, money and resources became available we are finally seeing the end of this huge undertaking in the distance!

Thanks to one of our Directors, Bill MacDonald, this project has been entered on the Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative’s site on their case studies resource. Follow the link below: